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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cleaning your glassware

Salt can help you amazingly in cleaning. You can use salt to remove tough stains on your glassware. It is both cheap and effective.

Remove stubborn marks from Glassware - To remove lipstick or paint stains, you can use salt. Just add salt to a large bowl. Now immerse all your glassware into the bowl. Let them stay for a day. Then remove them and wipe with a soft cloth. The stains should have gone!

Clean discolored glass - Did your dishwasher fail to remove those stubborn stains from your glassware? Hand-scrubbing failed too? Try mixing a handful of salt in a bowl full of vinegar. Soak your glassware overnight in the solution. The stains should wipe off easily the next morning! Just wipe with a soft cloth.

Try this tip - Mix 2 teaspoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda into a cup of water. Rinse and Gargle everyday. The solution acts as an excellent mouthwash.

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