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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bubble Wrap Pillow

Bubble wrap can be used in various ways. Other than packing, they have many other applications.

Bubble wrap is both cheap and comfortable. Its great to use everywhere. Instead of keeping a pillow inside your pillow cover, try this! Take about 2-meter long roll of bubble wrap. Fold a few times and place it inside the cover. They will be great to use in your home or workplace. Don't worry about them popping. When you sit, your weight is equally balanced on the entire surface.

Get a better night's sleep the next time you camp. Just by carrying a 2 or 4 meter roll of bubble wrap with you, you can have a very comfortable sleep. Take the long roll and fold it several times. Then you can place this under your sleeping bag or even use it as a sleeping bag. You can even roll some bubble wrap to your hands and legs. The wrap will keep you warm when it is chill!

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