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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snowball Blaster

The Snowball Blaster, also called the Snowball Launcher, looks like a gun, but it operates more like a sling shot. Just place the snow in the top portion and close the lid, and the molds form three well-packed snowballs the size of softballs!
When the snowball is ready, you have to pull the elastoband like a slingshot. I thinks its a different experience than throwing it like a regular snowballs fight with your arms.

The Snowball Blaster is made for kids 8 years old and up. "Up," I take to mean big old kids like us.The size is good enough and not too heavy (17.5 x 5.5 x 12 inches, and it weighs 2.5 pounds). Sold by Hammacher Schlemmer, so you know it's a sturdy toy, because Hammacher has a lifetime guarantee on all of its products, how cool is that? It also comes with target practice posters.

I wonder if using a Snowball Blaster would still make me feel like a kid again, or maybe just make it easier for me to compete with the kids....

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